
The face-to-face Schizophrenia Courses, addressed to mental health professionals, which we have been holding for more than a quarter of a century, aim at facilitating the relationship and updating the knowledge of all the professionals involved and interested in better understanding and helping these patients.

During all these years, the courses have been organized and directed with masterly skill and extraordinary dedication by Dr. Manuel González De Chávez. As he himself announced to us at the end of the 2023 edition of the course, he decided to leave the responsibility of the organization and direction of the course, for health reasons, delegating to the team that had been the Advisory Committee the opportunity and responsibility to continue with the Course.

And so we have done so. We have incorporated some changes, reducing teaching hours, dispensing with the financing of the pharmaceutical industry, and trying to maintain the highest level of quality. We maintain the teaching structure of the Course with the participation of international professors and workshops given by Spanish colleagues, while maintaining the option of participating with the presentation of posters, through which to present the work and research of merit in this field, coming from different places. And we change venue: we return to the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marańón, precisely the place where the Courses were born.

The Spanish and foreign professors who have been attending our courses are part of the most innovative and outstanding national and international vanguard in this field, both for their practical commitment to new and broader avenues of research and treatment for these patients, as well as for their interest in disseminating and sharing their experiences and knowledge with us.

As in previous years, also this year the Schizophrenia Course aims to be a context in which to participate, inform, learn, teach and reflect; a place where we can communicate and a forum of motivation, interest and enthusiasm for more global visions of these problems and more complete and effective therapeutic programs.

And, as usual, we welcome each participant.

Mariano Hernández Monsalve
President of the Schizophrenia Research,
Treatment and other Psychoses Foundation


Advisory Committee

